Home » 15 Genius Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Daily Life

15 Genius Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Daily Life

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is more than just a kitchen staple; it’s a versatile wonder with countless uses beyond salad dressings and marinades. From cleaning homes to enhancing your beauty routine, ACV can become your go-to ingredient. Let us explore 15 clever and practical ways to incorporate ACV into our daily lives, making it an indispensable part of your household toolkit.

Apple cider vinegar in a bottle. Image Credit: Canva.
Image Credit: Canva.

Salad Dressings

Salad dressing in a mason jar.
Image Credit: Canva.

ACV is a classic ingredient for making tangy and refreshing salad dressings. Mix it with olive oil, honey, mustard, salt, and pepper for a simple yet delicious vinaigrette.


Meat marinade on a wooden board. Image Credit: Canva.
Image Credit: Canva.

Tenderize and flavor meat, poultry, or tofu with an apple cider vinegar marinade. Combine ACV with soy sauce, garlic, and herbs for a robust and zesty marinade.

Detox Drink

Two glasses of detox drink on a kitchen counter.
Image Credit: Canva.

Start your day with a revitalizing ACV drink. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with warm water, a teaspoon of honey, and a dash of cinnamon for a refreshing morning drink.

Hair Rinse

Woman rinsing hair.
Image Credit: Canva.

ACV can work wonders for your hair. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of ACV in water and use it as a final rinse after shampooing.

Skin Toner

Woman pouring toner on a cotton pad.
Image Credit: Canva.

Apple cider vinegar can help balance the skin’s pH and act as a natural toner. Mix one part ACV with two parts water and apply it to your face with a cotton ball for clearer, brighter skin.

Natural Cleaner

Apple cider vinegar in a labelled bottle.
Image Credit: Canva.

Ditch the harsh chemicals and opt for a natural cleaner made with ACV. Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle for a powerful yet gentle household cleaner.

Foot Soak

Foot soak.
Image Credit: Canva.

Soothe tired feet and fight off foot odor with an ACV foot soak. Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to a basin of warm water and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes.

Fruit and Veggie Wash

Fruits and vegetables being washeds.
Image Credit: Canva.

Wash your produce in a solution of ACV and water to remove pesticides and bacteria. Mix a tablespoon of ACV with a liter of water and soak your fruits and veggies before rinsing them thoroughly.

Deodorize Your Home

ACV in a glass bowl.
Image Credit: Canva.

ACV can help neutralize unpleasant odors in your home. Place a bowl of apple cider vinegar in a smelly room overnight to absorb and eliminate bad odors.


Person baking cake.
Image Credit: Canva.

ACV can be a surprising addition to your baking repertoire. It can react with baking soda to create a leavening effect, making your baked goods light and fluffy.


Pickled cucumbers in a jar,
Image Credit: Canva.

Make quick pickles with apple cider vinegar. Mix ACV with water, salt, sugar, and your favorite spices, then add vegetables and let them sit in the fridge for a few hours.

Pot Cleaning

Pot being washed in a sink.
Image Credit: Canva.

Remove stubborn stains and buildup from your pots and pans with ACV. Boil equal parts water and vinegar in the pot, then let it cool and scrub away the grime.

Pest Control

ACV in a bottle with apples in the background.
Image Credit: Canva.

Apple cider vinegar keeps pests at bay. To attract and capture fruit flies, create a trap by filling a small bowl with ACV and a few drops of dish soap.

Fabric Softener

Clean towels on a table.
Image Credit: Canva.

Add a half cup of ACV to your laundry’s rinse cycle as a natural fabric softener. It can help soften clothes and reduce static cling without leaving a vinegar smell.

Weed Killer

Man pulling weeds from garden.
Image Credit: Canva.

ACV can be used as an eco-friendly weed killer. Spray undiluted apple cider vinegar directly on weeds to help control their growth without harmful chemicals.

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